Sunday - June 28 - 2009
Facilitators: Lina, Jim, Sean, Mike
As we sat in the sand waiting for the next group of fireworks to get launched, she sprinkled some of the cold beach on my feet. I looked over at her and asked her how to pronounce “sand” in Arabic. She took another handful and slowly poured it onto my sandals when she said, “ramel,” not willing to break her focus or even glance up at me.
The next firework went off, illuminating her face and hair briefly, a pink and white hue. She looked up to quickly admire, but reverted right back to sprinkling sand when it turned a smoky breeze. She continued to teach me Arabic … while slowly burying me.
The fireworks continued and a group of the kids, but really only their silhouettes, stood in front of us, excited, jumping, hooting, after each explosion.
But, there she sat behind them, quietly … sprinkling sand.