Sunday - February 15 - 2009
Facilitators: Ramzi, Bilal, Lina, Alaa
As we were pulling up to the camp, I had asked the bus driver to park on the side of the street while I had planned to enter in on foot, pick up the kids from the camp center, and then walk them safely back to the bus, to finally be on our way.
But, before I could even turn the door handle to get out, I found that it was already turning - and the bus hadn’t even fully stopped yet. I looked out the window... it was one of the kids. And just as I furrowed my brow to signal to him to wait until we had completely stopped, he gave me the sweetest grin and looked up to me with these big dark eyes, filled with anticipation for our big day out swimming. He floored me. As the bus finally stopped, he climbed aboard not thinking he’d done the slightest thing wrong, as he was able to melt my grimace away before he could ever take notice of it. He placed his hand on my shoulder while deciding where to sit. I felt like Jello.